Nine questions with #gaeagal Elizabeth Zayas

1. How would you describe yourself to people who don’t know you?
- I would describe myself as a quiet, compassionate and determined woman who loves to read & listen to hip-hop!
2. What do you do when you’re not modeling?
- Apart from modeling, I work as a freelance copywriter for different lifestyle brands.
3. Who/what inspires you?
- Strong women, especially my mom & close friends inspire me.
4. Favorite #gaeasuit
- Ah they’re all so unique but I love the Alessandra Top & Bottom in honey-must..perfect for tanning!
5. Describe in one word the Luminous Resort 2020 Photoshoot.
6. Vacation destination:
- Maldives
7. Style icon:
- I love Hailey Bieber & Bella Hadid’s style, it’s the perfect combination of streetwear + sexy + classic.
8. Your go-to workout:
- I love a good Barre class to help keep the booty tight!
9. Best advice you can give to another woman.
- Be YOURSELF and don’t worry about the opinions of others!
Posted on December 26 2019